CO-EXISTING, connection, collaboration & culture

Helena Hendrickx

Master Architectuur
2023 — 2024

Spaces of transition

Mario Rinke
Robbe Pacquée

CO-EXISTING, connection, collaboration & culture


This thesis contains explorative research on successfully adapting a building according to a certain theme. Literature research together with a case study were essentail to understand more about afaptability topics. My ambition, paired with a design aimed to adapt a building to a cultural vibrant hub, where social interaction is stimulated and a certain level of self-sufficiency is achieved.

This research delves into architectural concepts pertinent to the “Spaces of Transition” studio, focusing on sustainability, adaptability, circularity and flexibility, among others. A case study of ‘De Hoorn’ in Leuven by 360 architects was important to discover and understand concepts of re-use architecture. Site analyses focused on a former office building in Brussels, revealing potential for adaptive reuse to address social issues such as refugee accommodation.

The building’s structure and materials offered both challenges as opportunities for transformation. I wanted to explore how we could foster and environment for co-existing, how can our architecture accommodate current and future needs? And how can we strengthen the social aspect within the building and its urban context? By conducting careful research on architectural interventions I concluded that a level of self-sufficiency can be created within the building. The adapted building now operates as a mini city, with different zones accommodating different needs and the possibility of connection between them. There are moments of visual and physical contact. Some key spaces are connected via a micro circulation, and there are shared spaces spread throughout the building with different atmospheres.

In sum, this research offers a comprehensive framework for adaptive reuse, balancing addition and existing elements and using innovative design to create a sustainable, resilient and socially inclusive building.


Helena Hendrickx